Donate to MVT Community Foundation

If you’re ready to make your online tax-deductible donation to the Mount Vernon Triangle Community Foundation – thank you! – please do so via the donation button at the bottom of this page. But also please take a moment to consider this before donating:

Like most organizations that fundraise and sell online, the Mount Vernon Triangle Community Foundation incurs fees for transactions that are routed through our third-party payment processor. In our case these fees are 3.5% plus 10 cents for every credit card transaction, and 1.75% plus 25 cents for every debit card transaction—seemingly insignificant fees that do eventually add up over time. And while we understand this is a cost of doing business in today’s digital world, we also recognize there are many donors who are willing to make their gift go further and help make an even bigger impact by covering the processing fees, and is why we created the donation surcharge resource guide below to assist in your contribution decision under multiple donation scenarios:

The easiest way to avoid these fees is to write a check made payable as follows:

Mount Vernon Triangle Community Foundation
200 K Street NW Suite 3
Washington, DC 20001

Regardless of your donation choice, any contribution you make will help further the MVTCF’s charitable mission and contribute directly to making Mount Vernon Triangle stronger for all who live, work, do business, and entertain in our community.

Mount Vernon Triangle Community Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit (EIN: 93-1650612)