
TONIGHT, 5/1: Future Resident Workshop for Liberty Place Apartments

Wednesday May 1, 2019

Are you or anyone you know looking to move into the vibrant and transit-accessible Mount Vernon Triangle neighborhood? While not scheduled to open until fall 2020, the developers of Liberty Place Apartments are getting an early start on spreading the word about the project and are conducting a future resident workshop at Mount Carmel Baptist Church tonight, May 1 for anyone who would like more information about rental opportunities.

As previously reported in Triangle Times, Liberty Place features 71 new units of affordable housing—including 11 reserved for those with limited mobility, 14 for formerly homeless individuals and 7 for Veterans—and will contribute to meeting the housing needs for our District neighbors who make between 30-60% of the area median income, which is currently $117,200 for a family of four.

Check out the flyer below for additional details about tonight’s workshop. Interested individuals may also contact Rob Richardson for more information about the workshop and/or project.

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