
Tae-gu Kimchi Owner Patrice Cunningham Featured on NBC4 Washington

Thursday December 12, 2024

Earlier today Patrice Cunnigham, owner of FRESHFARM MVT Market staple vendor Tae-gu Kimchi, was on NBC4 Washington to discuss the recent tailored assistance she received from Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business Small Business Corps (SBC). According to its website, SBC “mobilizes the skills, energy, and creativity of Georgetown business students to catalyze the growth and profitability of small businesses in local communities across the greater Washington D.C., region through project-based fellowships.”

When discussing the experience with NBC4 Washington, Patrice spoke highly of the process and said the students were able to bring a different perspective to the table that she as a small business owner may not have necessarily had the time to focus on. Through the free program, the students were able to reduce Patrice’s operating costs by 30%, provide targeted sales training to her market staff, and revamp the website.

Check out the full segment on and see the results for yourself next time you’re shopping at FRESHFARM MVT Market!