
MVT CID Moves to 457 Mass Ave.

Wednesday December 16, 2015

With the announcement of the development of the DC Bar headquarters at the 901 4th Street Wilkes/Quadrangle site, the MVT CID will relocate from its longtime home in the trailer at 4th & I to make way for this very exciting project. During the month of December, the MVT CID will be setting up new offices at 457 Massachusetts Avenue, a charming historic commercial townhome owned by ASB Real Estate. The new space will allow for better facilities for our Clean Team and will maintain our welcoming streetfront presence for stakeholders. We want to extend a heartfelt “thank you” to The Wilkes Company and Quadrangle Development Corporation for their generosity and support in providing the space at 4th and I Street for so many years. We look forward to welcoming everyone at the new space in early 2016.