
Cobb Park Funded in FY 2022 District Budget

Thursday August 5, 2021

We’re excited to report that the District Council voted earlier this week to allocate $1.5 million in the city’s fiscal year 2022 capital budget to achieve the community’s strong and overwhelming desire to “re-imagine” Cobb Park; and to begin the 1.2-acre park’s transformation into an iconic destination, civic and gathering space, and gateway into Mount Vernon Triangle and downtown DC. When combined with the $650,000 that already has been allocated, this makes $2.15 million in total initial funding available to support the park’s long-term vision.

This outcome – which began with definition and strategic prioritization of the community’s open space needs through the MVT Open Space Study in spring 2018, and culminated with MVT CID President & CEO Kenyattah Robinson’s public testimony to the District Council on June 25 – would not have been possible without years of advocacy alongside and on behalf of our Mount Vernon Triangle community.

We especially thank Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen, within whose council district Cobb Park is located, and whose longstanding support and advocacy has been instrumental to this effort; and District Council Chairman Phil Mendelson for considering our appeal during June’s hearing and agreeing to fund our request.

With funding now secured, we look forward to working with our partners in DC’s Department of Parks and Recreation as well as General Services to finalize park design and procurement actions. We will keep the community apprised of our progress, so please stay tuned for additional opportunities to engage. And our sincere gratitude for your continued support of this critical land use and planning infrastructure priority for our community and city.

Related Links:
MVT Open Space Planning & Cobb Park Phase One “Reactivation” Page