Important FRESHFARM MVT Market Update
Friday May 1, 2020
Dear Friend of Mount Vernon Triangle –
Under different circumstances, tomorrow would have marked the opening of our FRESHFARM Mount Vernon Triangle Farmers Market. More than a popular amenity and recognized destination to visit, shop and share in the special joy of being together, the market is also cornerstone of our efforts to build community while serving the essential food access needs for neighbors of all backgrounds and financial means.
In our April 7 letter regarding the COVID-19 public health emergency, we shared our commitment to opening the market once sufficiently assured that it would be safe to do so. Our long-time partner FRESHFARM Markets has worked extremely hard in recent weeks to ensure the operational safety of all its outdoor markets. And with their enhanced safety protocols now in place, we’re pleased to announce the return of the 2020 FRESHFARM MVT Market on Saturday, May 16.
Although many of our familiar vendors are returning, this year’s market will look, feel and operate a bit differently. This is for everyone’s benefit. And while we request your patience as we work through several remaining details between now and market open, here’s what we can say about the types of safety protocols you can expect when shopping at the market:
- All shoppers must wear a mask or face covering in the market space, and while waiting in line to enter the market—more on this below.
- Shoppers are asked to limit their groups to no more than two people. Please shop as quickly and efficiently as possible.
- Stay at least six (6) feet away from others in the market and maintain the single direction of traffic flow.
- Placing pre-orders for pickup is recommended to help minimize time spent in the market. Options available for pre-order will be published each week on the COVID-19 Market Shopping Alternatives page on FRESHFARM’s website. We’ll also publish this information electronically through this e-newsletter as well as on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter social media platforms.
- Shoppers will not be permitted to browse products; all options will be pre-packaged to grab-and-go.
- No eating is permitted in the market; if you purchase an item to eat, you must take it with you.
- No pets are permitted in the market—this disappoints us too!
As referenced above, we’ve also made one additional and relatively significant change to our plans for Day 1 open. In prior years, patrons were provided complementary market bags for use in toting all the bounty shoppers could expect to find at our market. This includes fruits and vegetables, meats, eggs, cheeses, jams and jellies, baked goods ciders, plants and flowers. With safety at the top of everyone’s mind, we’ve partnered this year with two Ward 6 small businesses – Bailiwick and Shop Made in DC – to produce 400 free #MVTogether reusable cloth masks. One hundred masks will be produced in each of our four Mount Vernon Triangle brand colors—see below for examples and stay tuned for additional details on how to get your market mask.
We are immensely thankful for and appreciative of your steadfast support of #LifeInMVT both before and during this pandemic. As with everyone we look forward to resuming the community events that are programmed alongside the market, but only once we can do it safely. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to let us know your thoughts or questions regarding this or any other matter, please continue to take care of yourself and those around you, and we look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks.
With very best regards,
Kenyattah A. Robinson, President & CEO
Mount Vernon Triangle Community Improvement District
Sidenote: The photo below was taken November 23, 2019—the last day of our 2019 FRESHFARM MVT Market.