
Celebrating Community In & Around MVT

Thursday August 15, 2024

A welcome shift in the weather meant a triumphant return to Milian Park last night for the penultimate concert of the 2024 Tunes in the Triangle series. Families, friends, passersby, coworkers, and visitors gathered together to hear the smooth sounds of Driven to Clarity while enjoying food from local restaurants, lawn games, and pleasant conversations.

Meanwhile, on the Carnegie Library lawn a few blocks away, Events DC welcomed the community to its Summer Movie Series. MVT CID was invited as one of the community resource tables and we spent the evening meeting with visitors and neighbors while handing out free smoothies courtesy Tropical Smoothie Cafe.

We love that we get to create places for people to come together, mingle, and unwind after a long day and are grateful for the support of everyone who helps us create these special moments for you to enjoy!  From our Clean Team keeping the public realm looking tidy and inviting year-round, to retail community members like Prost that gave us a place to shelter from this summer’s heat and storms and Tropical Smoothie Cafe that provided free smoothies at last night’s movie, to our community partners like Events DC that hosted us last night at Carnegie Library, we couldn’t do it without you!