
MVT CID Statement Regarding 2nd & K Development Project

Thursday February 16, 2017

With regard to the proposed development plans for the District-owned site at 2nd & K Streets, NW, the Mount Vernon Triangle Community Improvement District looks forward to communicating and working with our partners at the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) in support of our stakeholders’ interests. Our stakeholders in this case include our residents, office workers and commercial property owners near the impacted areas of interest.

We do know that a large majority of our Mount Vernon Triangle stakeholders have a strong interest in the activation of parks and open space. That fact holds true irrespective of whether a decision is made to develop atop the parking deck, on Cobb Park, or otherwise.

Like many others in the community, the community meeting held on Wednesday, February 15, 2017 was our first look at what was being proposed. We’ll take a deep look and continue to evaluate through the lens of what’s best for the CID and our stakeholders. We look forward to the opportunity to engage with DMPED, our stakeholders and the proposing development teams to help further activate this high priority area for our community.