
Community Update Regarding Proposed Pepco Substation

Wednesday October 24, 2018

In recent weeks, a number of stakeholders have inquired about the Pepco substation proposed for location at 1st & K Streets NW. The proposed substation is one component of Pepco’s planned Capital Grid Project that, if approved:

  • upgrades three existing substations in the District and Maryland;
  • constructs a new Mount Vernon Substation to support areas projected to experience significant growth; and
  • builds a new 10-mile underground transmission line to connect the substations and create a networked system through which electricity is delivered to Pepco’s customers.

Given the project’s significance to our community, we felt it important to provide stakeholders with additional information about the proposal – including how you can stay connected and further engage – via the following three fact sheets:

Capital Grid Project Overview Fact Sheet (.pdf)

Mount Vernon Substation Fact Sheet (.pdf)

Ward 6 Fact Sheet (.pdf)

You may also contact we will route the question to the appropriate organization for response.